So it's been a while and i've got alot to update. One of them being this last TMBRA race of the season. It was a very technical course but for some reason i didn't remember it being so technical until i got there. John and i got to the course on Sat and it was drizzling. We were trying to decide whether we should preride in the slippery rocks or just wait til race day. We ended up preriding and the worst part was in the beginning.
Race day, i had a great start. We took off from the gun. Christina leading and then Sara. then myself amd the rest. When we started to go into the first technical area, Christina was on the side spinning her wheels like she was sealing it. Sara was ahead with a gap. In some technical spot, i took a bad line and laid it out. I crashed while i was leading the rest of the group. I was head down with my foot still stuck to the pedal. My knee took the majority of the hit. The girls were all nice enough to help me get out of my bike. They all asked if i was ok and Leslie mentioned to help me get unstuck. At the time, i dont think she realized Sara was gone with a good lead after this. They were so nice but i wanted them to go catch sara! I got on my bike and Christina and Leslie took off. I was pretty slow moving after that but started to feel a lil better as i rode. I raced with the worst time at that course. But thanks to Christina and Leslie for catching up to Sara and passing her, i was still able to keep my placement for the series.
Overall bad finale to my race season but a great placement overall. Christina won the race and the TMBRA series. I got 4th in the race and placed 2nd in the series. It was a great season but i am happy for the season to be over. I'm ready for the road.. and everything else!!
Big thanks to LoneStarWorks for the sponsorhip and coaching and to the guys at Dallas Bike Works for working amd tweaking my bike all season long. Thanks to Rich for the support throughout my season and being so cool with me being gone almost every weekend. Also, thanks to all the girls helping me out after my crash.